Calendar of Events
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Forgive For Life
Forgiveness is the doorway to the grace of God! Imagine how good you would feel if you were able to forgive yourself and others. This class will examine the harmful impact of regret and resentment on our lives and how forgiveness can free us from its joy-stealing grip. This class, taught by Dr. Alan Demmitt, provides...
Weekend Bags – The Troy Rec
Weekend Bags – The Troy Rec
The Troy Rec sends supplemental food home on Fridays for teens in need. From February 2nd through February 23rd we want to partner with them to pack some more weekend bags full of non-perishables! Items should be single serve, easy to open, and microwaveable when applicable. Drop off items at The Valley Troy in the...
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Coffee and Conversation
Coffee and Conversation
Invite a friend and join other women from The Valley Church Troy campus as we connect over coffee or your favorite beverage. We have reserved space next door at Pop Up at 4 W. Main Troy. So you can grab a cup of coffee at Winan’s and come anytime between 6:30-8pm and enjoy a couple...
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New Volunteer Orientation
New Volunteer Orientation
The next generation is now! Valley Kids and Teen ministry partners are heroes at The Valley Church because they've said YES to the next generation. Come partner with what God is doing through our kids and teens. If you're interested in serving or learning more about serving in Valley Kids or Valley Teens we invite...
Man Cave Meet Up
Man Cave Meet Up
Calling all men you are invited to join us for a Man Cave Meet Up Sunday March 2 from 6:00 - 8:00pm Enjoy food and playing games Questions: 937-418-0292
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All-In Worship
All-In Worship
We always look forward to All-In Worship! This intergenerational worship experience is happening on March 30th. We can’t wait to share the auditorium with Valley Kids as we experience God together. Intentional worship, a great message, and exciting activity boxes for kids will make this a winning experience for all. Most weeks we love heading...
Teen Lunch
Teen Lunch
Calling all teens grades 6-12th! Join us for the 11:00 AM service and then for lunch! We’ll be hanging out and eating Lee’s chicken.
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Women’s Bible Study | 20/20 Seen-Chosen-Sent Study
Ladies Bible Study is kicking off their Spring Session! INFO ABOUT THE 20/20 SEEN-CHOSEN-SENT STUDY Books cost $15 Thursday 9:15-11:15am - begins March 6 - Child Care Available Monday 6:30-8pm - begins March 10 - No Child Care Provided Summary of this study Can you imagine feeling so seen by God that you can't help...
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Discover U
You are invited to this brand new conversational class at the Valley! At Discover U, you will explore three important questions: - Who is God? - How has God made me? - How can I participate in God’s kingdom? Discover U is for anyone who is new at the Valley or any of our regular...
Guest Speaker: Kirk Nowery
Guest Speaker: Kirk Nowery
Come sit with us on March 16th to hear from Kirk Nowery! Kirk is a former Miami Dolphin's Chaplain, former COO of Samaritan's Purse, and Founder/President of Hope Partners International. You don't want to miss his story!
Worship Night
Worship Night
Mark you calendars! Join us for a night of worship at The Valley Troy from 5-6pm on Sunday, March 16th. Families, teens...everyone welcome! *We will not have childcare for this event.
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Guest Speaker : Kirk Nowery
Guest Speaker : Kirk Nowery
Come sit with us on March 23rd to hear from Kirk Nowery! Kirk is a former Miami Dolphin's Chaplain, former COO of Samaritan's Purse, and Founder/President of Hope Partners International. You don't want to miss his story!
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Community Day
Community Day
Valley Teens in grades 6th-12th! Community Day 2025 is Saturday, March 29th from 9am-2pm! Join us for a fun day of service at the Bethany Center and building community. The day will start with us meeting at The Valley Church in the morning and then going to serve at the Bethany Center in Piqua for a couple of...
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All in Worship
All in Worship
All In Worship will be your most meaningful Sunday this month! This intergenerational worship experience is happening on March 30th and we can’t wait to share the auditorium with Valley Kids and teens as we experience God together. Intentional worship, response stations, a great message, and exciting activity boxes for kids will make this a...