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Kid’s Summer Camps

Piqua Campus 1400 Seidel Parkway, Piqua

Mark your calendars for kid's summer camps! Primary Camp (completed grades 1 & 2) July 27-29 Middler Camp (completed grades 3 & 4) July 24-27 Pre-Teen Camp (completed grades 5...


6 Week Sermon Series: Cracking the Code

Piqua Campus 1400 Seidel Parkway, Piqua

Join us at 9:15 am or 11:00 am every Sunday for our next sermon series. How does blood, guts, baking, old rituals, animal sacrifice, and lots of weird regulations apply...

Support Ukraine Families

Piqua Campus 1400 Seidel Parkway, Piqua

The Valley wants to help hurting families in Ukraine. Three months into the war in eastern Europe, at least one in three Ukrainians now faces displacement. Of the 14 million...

Columbus Zoo

Piqua Campus 1400 Seidel Parkway, Piqua

Hey middle schoolers in completed grades 6th-8th! We will be taking a trip to the Columbus Zoo July 30th! The cost is $20 (Please bring the day of the event)....
