Community Day
Piqua Campus 1400 Seidel Parkway, Piqua, OHValley Teens in grades 6th-12th! Community Day 2025 is Saturday, March 29th from 9am-2pm! Join us for a fun day of service at the Bethany Center and building community. The day will start with us meeting at The Valley Church in the morning and then going to serve at the Bethany Center in Piqua for a couple of...
Teens in Grades 9th-12th! We are headed to Honduras!
Piqua Campus 1400 Seidel Parkway, Piqua, OHOur 2025 mission trip will be combined with The Valley Church’s annual mission trip to Honduras. This trip will include work projects, relationship building, helping with a VBS for the Honduran children and more! We are excited to serve alongside others in the Valley Church of all ages while also bonding as teens in the...
Honduras Mission Trip
Piqua Campus 1400 Seidel Parkway, Piqua, OHThe Valley is taking a team of 25 people on a short-term work trip to Honduras to help work alongside, encourage and strengthen our partner churches there. The next Honduras trip is June 28 thru July 6, 2025, and the cost of the trip is approximately $1,850 (depending on airfare prices). You can reserve a...