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Be Rich Missions

“Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” 1 Timothy 6:18

“Be Rich is a movement of generosity marked by compassion, hope, and love. When we give, we are punching holes in the darkness of Miami and Shelby Counties!” – Pastor Mark Coulter

Be Rich is an agreement with God to be personally involved in ministry to others – locally and around the world – through giving beyond tithing. It is our privilege to partner with the work God is already doing to see more and more holes punched in the darkness throughout our region and the world.

At The Valley Church, we have always had two buckets for giving: tithes and expansion related projects. This year we believe God is calling us to radical generosity and to create a third bucket solely for missions. We want to fill up this third bucket to overflowing so that we can reach thousands more who need hope.

Our goal for 2025 is $250,000.

On commitment Sunday, we are asking you to bring your one-time gift or a one-year commitment for “Be Rich” to fill our mission’s bucket.  Every gift is important.  The amount of your gift is to be what the Lord has placed on your heart.  We are praying for 100% participation – that no matter how small or how large the gift, everyone will participate.

Throughout history, God has called his people to be rich by giving generously to those in need.  Together we can be a church that punches holes in the darkness so people experience spiritual victory, physical healing, the poor are helped, and the marginalized are seen.

Join us in praying that God will be glorified in all that we do and all that He is doing in us.  Thank you for being part of this incredible journey.


Generous giving to Be Rich enables us to impact the lives of people in Miami and Shelby Counties. Because of your generosity, we have blessed many in our community with groceries, gas, hygiene products, and emergency utility payments. Additionally, we have been able to support these ministries and organizations where your giving has made a difference in our region:

  • Eagles Wings Therapeutic Riding Facility/CASA Miami County
  • Rustic Hope/Safe Haven
  • We Love Birthday Parties/Isaiah’s Place
  • Skate Church/Miami East Schools
  • Troy Public Schools/Piqua City Schools
  • Declare/Bethany Center/Bottles for Babies- Elizabeth New Life Center
  • Alpha Community Center/Seeds of Hope/Mercy Mission House
  • Young Life/1487 Transport Family Readiness Group
  • Troy Rec Center/Piqua Compassion Network
  • Lifewise Academy/Kiwanis Club/Miami County Fraternal Order of Police


The Valley Church supports Nazarene Compassionate Ministries who are committed to providing immediate and long-term support for communities affected by disasters. In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene and Milton, and the wildfires in Los Angeles, we supported immediate relief efforts across impacted states that include providing food, water, diapers, cleanup supplies, along with emotional and spiritual support.



The Valley Church established our Honduran Partnership in 2014. We now partner with six churches, a training center and a Christian School. Every year The Valley Church takes teams to work with our Honduras partners. In late 2018 we sent a small fire truck to Saba Honduras through an incredible series of God moments.

In 2024, a larger fire truck was shipped to La Ceiba Honduras, which is one of the five largest cities in Honduras.  This truck was sent to a fire department where there are currently no working fire vehicles. The Valley Church sent this 30-ton truck along with a Jaws of Life, tools, spare tires, and $100k+ of fire apparel.

In addition, our churches in Saba and La Ceiba have been growing rapidly and their children’s ministries are exploding. Young lives are being changed for the Lord.

The Church of the Nazarene World Evangelism Fund (WEF)

The World Evangelism Fund supports the planting of new churches and ministry outposts around the world, provides for over 700 missionaries in 160+ countries, funds Christian literature in 90 languages for churches, schools, and pastors, supports The Jesus Film, and funds construction projects for churches, clinics, schools.

Commitment Day

Sidney Campus

March 16, 2025

Troy Campus

March 23, 2025

Piqua Campus

April 6, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are we doing the Be Rich initiative?

God has given us a vision to send $1 million over the next four years to impact people locally, globally, and throughout our country. This initiative will provide the resources to take our next steps to accomplish this God-sized vision.

Why now?

There are millions of people who don’t have a relationship with Jesus Christ, that do not know where their next meal is coming from, and who have been forgotten. This initiative will play a life-changing role in seeing many people start a relationship with Jesus, have food in their stomachs, receive the care that they need, and experience the love of Jesus in ways that they never knew existed.

What do I need to do?

Begin praying now about how the Lord will lead you to use your resources to help MORE people experience the love of Jesus in their lives and families. Our hope is that every person will join us as we seek to punch thousands and thousands of holes into the darkness with the love and hope that the light of Christ brings. Commitment Day is the day we are asking you to bring your one-time gift and your one-year commitment to Be Rich. We are praying for 100% participation – that no matter how large or how small the gift, everyone will participate.

When will the “Be Rich” initiative begin and end?

  • Commitment Sunday is when the one-year giving intentions are received and one-time gifts are received.
  • Commitment Sunday is March 16, 2025 at the Sidney Campus.
  • Commitment Sunday is March 23, 2025 at the Troy Campus.
  • Commitment Sunday is April 6, 2025 at the Piqua Campus.
  • April 20 is Victory Day when we celebrate the total gifts received and committed to the Be Rich initiative.

What are the ways to give?

You can click the giving button at the top of The Valley website and choose the Be Rich giving option on the drop-down menu. You can also give through The Valley App by selecting your campus and the Be Rich option. A giving envelope, found in one of our three locations, can also be used to give by choosing the Be Rich giving option on the envelope.
